the ones in BOLD are taken

achelois - one of the moon goddesses

achelous - the patron god of the achelous river.

aeolus - god of air and the winds

aether - god of light and the atmosphere

alastor - god of family feuds and avenger of evil deeds

antheia - goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes

aphrodite - goddess of love and beauty

apollo - god of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge

ares - god of war

aristaeus - god of animal husbandry, bee-keeping, and fruit trees

artemis - goddess of the moon, hunting, and nursing

asclepius - god of medicine, health, healing, rejuvenation and physicians

astraea - a goddess of justice

até - goddess of mischief

athena - goddess of wisdom, poetry, art, and the strategic side of war

atlas - the primordial titan who carried the weight of the heavens on his back

attis - god of vegetation, fruits of the earth and rebirth

bia - the goddess of force

caerus - (a.k.a. kairos) the god of luck and opportunity

chaos - the nothingness that all else sprung from (pretty self explainatory)

chronos - god of time

circe - a goddess who transformed her enemies into beasts

cronus - god of agriculture

cybele - goddess of caverns, mountains, nature and wild animals

demeter - goddess of the harvest

deimos - personification of dread and terror

crios - the titan god of the heavenly constellations and the measure of the year

dionysus - god of wine and pleasure

eileithyia - goddess of childbirth

elpis - spirit of hope

eos - goddess of the dawn

erebus - god of darkness

eris - goddess of strife/discord

eros - god of love, attraction and sexual desire

gaia - goddess of earth

hades - god of the dead, king of the underworld

harmonia - goddess of harmony

hebe - goddess of youth

hecate - goddess of magic, witchcraft, ghosts, and the undead.

helios - god of the sun

hemera - goddess of daylight

hephaestus - god of fire and blacksmithing

hera - goddess of goddesses, women and marriage

heracles - god of heroes

hermes - god of trade and travel

hestia - goddess of home and fertility

hygea - goddess of cleanliness and hygiene

hymenaios - god of weddings

hypnos - god of sleep

iris - goddess of rainbows

khione - goddess of snow

kratos - god of strength and power

maia - goddess of fields

mania - goddess of insanity

metis - goddess of wisdom

momus - goddess of writers and poets

morpheus - god of dreams

nemesis - goddess of retribution and vengeance

nike - goddess of victory

nyx - goddess of the night

oceanus - god of the ocean

pan - god of woods

peitha - goddess of persuasion

persephone - goddess of the spring

pheme - goddess of fame and gossip

plutus - god of wealth

poisedon - god of the sea

prometheus - god of forethought

rhea - goddess of nature

selene - goddess of the moon

tartarus - god of the depths of the underworld

thanatos - god of death

themis - goddess of divine order, law and custom

tyche - goddess of fortune and prosperity

typhon - god of monsters, storms and volcanoes

uranus - god of the sky and the heavens

zelus - god of rivalry, jealousy and envy

zeus - god of lightning and thunder

calliope - the muse of epic poetry

clio - the muse of history

erato - the muse of lyric poetry

euterpe - the muse of music

melpomene - the muse of tragedy

polyhymnia - the muse of sacred poetry

terpsichore - the muse of dance and chorus

thalia, the muse of comedy and idyllic poetry

urania, the muse of astronomy